Mystery Shopping
Mystery Shopping, also known as a Mystery Consumer, is a valuable marketing research tool used by businesses to evaluate their employees’ service performance. Mystery Shopping is an impartial and realistic way to collect employee performance data. As an independent and anonymous third-party, Mystery Shoppers enter a retail location and act as a customer. They complete a survey that assesses their experience and provides vital feedback to the company.
Becoming a Mystery Shopper
Becoming a Mystery Shopper is easier than it sounds. With a few simple steps, you’ll be ready to begin your shopping adventures and make some extra money on the side.
Step 1: Find Mystery Shopping Companies
The first step to becoming a Mystery Shopper is to find Mystery Shopping companies. There are many Mystery Shopping companies across North America, so you should have no problem finding one. You can find Mystery Shopping companies in your area through online research or by utilizing resources such as the Mystery Shopping Providers Association.
Step 2: Evaluate the Company
Once you have found a few Mystery Shopping companies, the next step is to evaluate them. Make sure the company you choose is reputable and has a good track record. It’s a good idea to research the company online to read reviews from other Mystery Shoppers and make sure the company is legitimate.
Step 3: Create Your Profile
Once you’ve found the perfect company to work with, it’s time to create your profile. Give your best information so the company can trust you with their assignments. Make sure you include any experience you may have and don’t be afraid to let the company know about your strengths and weaknesses, as it will help them assign you the best possible assignments.
Step 4: Apply for Jobs
Once your profile is complete, it’s time to apply for jobs. Most companies will have a website or application system in place to help you apply for Mystery Shopping assignments. When applying, make sure you follow all the instructions and be clear and concise with your answers. You want to be sure to make a good impression and, most of all, show you are eager to learn.
Step 5: Check Your Email
Once you have applied, you will want to check your email regularly. If a company is interested in you, they will send you an email with information on the assignment and a link to the survey you will need to complete after your visit. Make sure to carefully read all the instructions as they can vary from assignment to assignment.
Step 6: Visit the Location
Now it’s time for the most exciting part of the job: visiting the location! Pay close attention during your visit and document everything you are asked to. Record the details of your visit and take note of anything that stands out.
Step 7: Complete the Survey
Once your visit is complete, it’s time to complete the survey. This part is extremely important as your answers will be used to provide feedback to the company. Answer all questions honestly and thoroughly.
Step 8: Submit Your Report
Once you have completed the survey, it’s time to submit your report. Depending on the company, you may be subject to a quality review which could take up to 24 hours. Once your report has been accepted, you will usually receive payment within a few days.
Mystery Shopping can be an enjoyable and rewarding way to make some extra money. All it takes is a few steps and a little patience, and you will be well on your way to becoming a successful Mystery Shopper. With the right tools and dedication, you can easily make a living doing what you love. So why wait? Get out there and start your Mystery Shopping journey!