Creating The iWorld: A History of Apple

Creating The iWorld: A History of Apple, Inc

The Apple Inc., or formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc., is an American multinational corporation with a long and rich history of being at the forefront of making money in the technology sector since it was founded in 1976. Apple, Inc. begun its journey as a startup in Silicon Valley with two ambitious young men, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and through the years has become a staggering success. Apple is now a leader in the global technology industry with products such as the iPhone and iPad, the most recognizable and successful of any company in the world. Here we dive into the history of Apple, Inc. and take a look at the milestones that have helped and shaped the company into becoming the global giant it is today.

Early History of Apple

Apple Inc. was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Cupertino, California, in the heart of Silicon Valley. Jobs and Wozniak were two friends and fellow computer enthusiasts, who wanted to make a foray into the computer industry. With a starting capital of $1300, they began work on the first product being a computer kit named the Apple I. It was quickly released that same June and was an impressive success, eventually selling approximately 200 units and helping to jumpstart the company.

In 1977, Apple Inc. released the wildly successful Apple II, designed by Wozniak, which was an integrated all-in-one computer, becoming one of the first successful personal computers in the world and revolutionizing the home computing market. Apple was now making serious strides and was quickly becoming a major player in the technology field.

The Advent of the Macintosh

In 1984, Apple Inc. released the Macintosh to much fanfare and anticipation with the now iconic Super Bowl commercial directed by Ridley Scott. The Macintosh, then known as the “Mac”, was the first commercially successful computer to feature an integrated graphical user interface and mouse-driven system, instantly revolutionizing the computer industry and the world. The Macintosh was unique and ahead of its time, and helped define consumer technology as we know it today.

The Macintosh quickly became the industry standard and a major source of revenue for Apple during the decade. However, its impact was far greater than just as a revenue stream; the Macintosh changed the way people interacted with technology and set in motion the foundation of consumer computing in the world today.

The NeXT Acquisition and the Return of Steve Jobs

In 1986, Steve Jobs left Apple following his disagreements with the then CEO, John Sculley, and formed a new company called NeXT, specialized in creating powerful workstation computers aimed at the higher education and business markets. However, despite its revolutionary technology, NeXT was unable to make a major dent in the market, creating a great deal of financial problems.

In 1996, Apple Inc. acquired NeXT and with it, Steve Jobs, in an attempt to reinvigorate the company’s languishing research and development efforts for emerging technologies. Jobs was then brought back on as an interim CEO and ultimately held the post until his death in 2011.

The Introduction of the iPod

In 2001, Apple Inc. unveiled the iPod, a handheld digital audio player that made its debut at Macworld Conference & Expo in January of that year. The iPod completely revolutionized the consumer audio device market allowing users to easily store and transfer large amounts of music. At launch, the device had a capacity of 5 GB of music and a 1.8-inch hard drive, as well as USB connectivity, a scroll wheel and headphones.

The iPod quickly became a success and was a major part in driving Apple’s revenues in the mid 2000s. The iPod also helped pave the way for other devices such as the iPhone and the iPad, impacting consumer technology in a way no other device has before.

The Introduction of the iPhone

In 2007, Apple Inc. unveiled the iPhone, which is widely credited as being the world’s first smartphone. The iPhone quickly became an instant success, creating a whole new market of consumer electronics and completely revolutionizing the way people interacted with technology. The first model feature a 3.5-inch touchscreen display, a 3.2-megapixel camera, GPS capabilities, and a much-improved web surfing experience.

The iPhone quickly grew in popularity and soon became the leader in the smartphone market. It was the first phone to really challenge the Blackberry as the smartphone of choice, and its influence was seen in phones from various other companies such as Samsung and HTC.

The Introduction of the iPad

In 2010, Apple Inc. unveiled the iPad, the first tablet of its kind. The iPad was a revolutionary device in that it allowed users to easily browse the web, watch videos, and multitask. The device featured a stunning 9.7-inch multi-touch display and was powered by a 1 GHz dual-core processor.

The iPad was seen as a major success and helped establish Apple Inc. as the leader in tablet devices. Its impact was felt around the world as more and more companies began to offer tablets of their own.

Apple, Inc. has come a long way since its very humble beginnings in 1976. Through the years, it has released revolutionary products such as the iPhone, iPod and iPad, all of which have profoundly changed the way people interact with technology and our society. From its infancy as a startup in Silicon Valley to becoming the largest company in the world, Apple, Inc. has an impressive history of innovation and success that it can be proud to call its own.

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